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  • 太阳娱乐集团app下载教授,博士生导师,主要从事无机纳米结构材料的控制合成与应用研究工作,承担包括国家科技支撑计划、国家科技重大专项等在内的多项国家级及省部级研究课题,发表SCI论文100余篇,论文被SCI他引2000多次,作为主要完成人,获得国家科技进步二等奖、山东省科技进步一等奖各一项。 



  •  1988-1992  太阳娱乐集团app下载应用化学系   本科生

  • 1992-1995   中科院海洋研究所      硕士生

  • 1995-1998   吉林大学化学系         博士生

  • 1998-2000   太阳娱乐集团app下载化学院        讲师

  • 2000-2002   太阳娱乐集团app下载化学院        副教授

  • 2002---          太阳娱乐集团app下载化学院       教授



  •  本科生:固体化学

  •  研究生:现代仪器分析、合成化学、无机化学前沿讲座


  •  无机纳米结构材料的控制合成与应用,主要包括液相体系中金属及其氧化物纳米晶的控制合成,以及以纳米晶为结构单元构筑纳米结构材料,探讨纳米晶及其自组装机理,研究纳米结构材料的粒度、形貌、微观结构对其宏观性能的影响,建立纳米结构材料的构效关系,为其实际应用提供理论与实验依据。



  •  近年来发表的主要论文

  •  1.       Feng Liu, Qifang Lu, Xiuling Jiao* and DairongChen*, Fabrication of Nylon-6/POMs nanofibrous membranesand the degradation mustard stimulant research, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 41271-41276.

    2.       Yan Wang, Wei Li, Yuguo Xia, XiulingJiao* and Dairong Chen*, Electrospun flexible self-standing γ-alumina fibrous membranesand their potential as high efficiency fine particulate filtrationmedia, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2, 15124-15131.

    3.       Yan Wang, Wande Ding, Xiuling Jiao* and Dairong Chen*, Electrospun flexibleself-standing silica/mesoporous alumina core-shell fibrous membranes as adsorbenttoward Congo red, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 30790-30797.

    4.       ZhenJiang, Weijun Lu, Zhengping Li, Kuan Hung Ho, Xu Li, Xiuling Jiao,* and DairongChen,*Synthesis ofamorphous cobalt sulfide polyhedral nanocages for high performancesupercapacitors, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2, 8603-8605.

    5.       Yuguo Xia, Bo Chen, XiulingJiao,* and Dairong Chen, Large-scale synthesis and formation mechanism study ofbasic aluminium sulfate microcubic crystals, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014,16, 5866-5874.

    6.       Guangyan Liu, Zhongqiang Zhao,Xiuling Jiao* and Dairong Chen, Preparation of porous SnO2 thin filmwith high gasoline sensing performance, MaterialsTechnology, 2014, 29(3),167-171.

    7.       Zhen Jiang, Zhengping Li,Zhenhua Qin, Haiyan Sun, Xiuling Jiao,* and Dairong Chen*, LDH nanocages synthesizedby MOF templates and the high performance as supercapacitor, Nanoscale, 2013,5 (23), 11770 - 11775.

    8.       Yuguo Xia, Li Zhang, XiulingJiao,*and Dairong Chen*, Synthesis of γ-AlOOH nanocrystalswith different morphologies under sulfate ion and corresponding formation mechanismstudy, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2013, 15 (41), 18290 – 18299.

    9. Yan Wang, Wei Li, Xiuling Jiao* and Dairong Chen,* Electrospinningpreparation and adsorption property of mesoporous alumina fibers, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2013, 1, 10720-10726.

    10.    Yuguo Xia, Xiuling Jiao,* Yongjun Liu, Dairong Chen,* Li Zhang andZhenhua Qin, Study of the Formation Mechanism of Boehmite with Different Morphologyupon Surface Hydroxyls and Adsorption of Chloride Ions, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2013, 17, 15279-15286.

    11.    Zhanxia Shu, Xiuling Jiao,* and Dairong Chen,* Hydrothermal synthesisand selectively photocatalytic properties of tetragonal star-like ZrO2nanostructures, CrystEngComm, 2013, 15, 4288-4294.

    12.    Zhenhua Qin, Haiyan Sun, Zhen Jiang, Xiuling Jiao* and Dairong Chen,*Synthesis of metal sulfide nanoboxes based on Kirkendall effect and Pearson hardness,CrystEngComm, 2013, 15, 897-902.

    13.    Haiyan Sun, Xiuling Jiao,* Yanyang Han, Zhen Jiang, and Dairong Chen,*Synthesis of Fe3O4-Au Nanocomposites with EnhancedPeroxidase-like Activity, Eur. J. Inorg.Chem., 2013, 109-114.

    14.    Zhen Jiang, Haiyan Sun, Zhenhua Qin, Xiuling Jiao* and Dairong Chen,*Synthesis of novel ZnS nanocages utilizing ZIF-8 polyhedral template, Chem. Commun., 2012,48, 3620–3622.

    15.    Haiyan Sun, Bo Chen, Xiuling Jiao,* Zhen Jiang, Zhenhua Qin, and Dairong Chen,* SolvothermalSynthesis of Tunable Electroactive Magnetite Nanorods by Controlling the SideReaction, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2012, 116, 5476−5481.

    16.    Huijuan Tang, Haiyan Sun, DairongChen, Xiuling Jiao,* Fabricationof Pt/CeO2 Nanofibers forUse in Water-Gas Shift Reaction, Mater.Lett., 2012, 77, 7-9.

    17.    Huijuan Tang, Haiyan Sun, DairongChen and Xiuling Jiao,* Fabrication and Characterization of Nanostructured La2Zr2O7Fibers, Mater. Lett., 2012, 70, 48-50.

    18.    Zhanxia Shu, XiulingJiao* and Dairong Chen,* Synthesis and photocatalyticproperties of flower-like zirconia nanostructures,CrystEngComm, 2012,14, 1122-1127.

    19.    Li Zhang, Xiuling Jiao,* Dairong Chen,* and Mingxia Jiao, γ-AlOOH Nanomaterials withRegular Shapes: Hydrothermal Fabrication and Cr2O7 Adsorption, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2011, (34), 5258–5264.

    20.   Haiyan Sun, Xiuling Jiao,* Hanyu Wang, Zhen Jiang, and Dairong Chen*, Solvothermal Preparationof Pd Nanostructures under Nitrogen and Air Atmospheres and ElectrocatalyticActivities for the Oxidation of Methanol, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2011, 3(7), 2425–2430.

    21.Botao Ji, Dairong Chen, XiulingJiao,* Zhongqiang Zhao, Yingxun Jiao, Preparation and Electrical Properties ofNanoporous BaTiO3, Mater.Lett., 2010, 64, 1836-1838.

    22.    Zonglin Yang, Cong Cao, FangfangLiu, Dairong Chen, Xiuling Jiao,* Coreshell Li(Ni1/3Co1/3Mn1/3)O2/Li(Ni1/2Mn1/2)O2fibers:Synthesis, characterization and electrochemical properties, Solid State Ionics, 2010, 181, 678-683.

    23.    Yanyan Xu, Cuiqing Wang, Dairong Chen, Xiuling Jiao,* Fabrication andcharacterization of novel nanostructured copper oxide films via a facile solution route, Mater. Lett., 2010, 64, 249251.

    24.   Yang Tian, Xiuling Jiao,* Juan Zhang, Ning Sui, Dairong Chen, Guangyan Hong, Moltensalt synthesis of LaF3:Eu3+ nanoplates with tunable sizeand their luminescence properties, J.Nanopart. Res., 2010, 12, 161-168.

    25.    Ji Guo, Yang Song, Dairong Chen,Xiuling Jiao,* Fabrication of ZnO nanofibers by electrospinning and electricalproperties of a single nanofiber, JDispersion Sci. Techn., 2010, 31, 684-689.


  • 1.  工业烟尘细粒子及烟气净化滤料研制及应用,国家科技支撑计划子课题(235万元)

  • 2. 燃气轮机定向凝固叶片用氧化铝型芯快速环保脱除工艺,国家科技重大专项子课题(216.72万元)

  • 3. 介观晶体的构筑及构效关系研究,省自然科学基金重点项目(10万元)


  •  横向课题3项


  • 1. 多层陶瓷电容器用钛酸钡基电子陶瓷材料的产业化关键技术及应用,国家科技进步二等奖(第四完成人)

  • 2. 水热法制备无机超细功能材料新工艺,山东省科技进步一等奖(第二完成人)









  •  每年招收硕士生、博士生各1-2名


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