Update: May 22, 2017 02:22 PM    Click: []



  • Education/Research Experience

  • 06/2016 – Present: Professor, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Shandong University

  • 07/2014 – 06/2016: Research     Fellow, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, The University     of Melbourne, Australia

  • 07/2011 – 06/2014: Super Science     Fellow, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, The University     of Melbourne, Australia

  • 08/2010 – 06/2011: Research     Fellow, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, The University     of Melbourne, Australia

  • 09/2005-07/2010: PhD (Colloid and     Interface Chemistry), School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Shandong     University

  • 09/2001-07/2005: Bachelor of     Science (Chemistry), School of Chemistry and Materials Science, Ludong     University


  • Teaching

  • Principles of Surfactant Action

  • Progress in Colloid and Interface Chemistry

  • Research Techniques of Colloid and Interface Chemistry



  • Research Interests

  • 1. Porous particle engineering

  • 2. Polymer assembly

  • 3. Bio-imaging and diagnostics

  • 4. Interactions between nanomaterials and biological systems

  • 5. Polymer based drug and vaccine delivery

  • News

  • Jiwei Cui received the inaugural Rising Star Award at the 4th Symposium on Innovative Polymers for Controlled Delivery (SIPCD 2016). Each of the 12 awardees was invited to give a talk. Prof. Cui’s talk was entitled “Stealth and Soft Poly(ethylene glycol) Particles for Improved Biodistribution”. Rising Star talks paralleled with all invited lectures were presented to show the most recent developments as well as challenges in innovative delivery.


  • 1. Cui, J.; Li, H.; Hao, J. "Carbon-Nanotube-Based LbL Assembly: Nanotubes, Films, and Capsules." In Self-Assembled Structures: Propertiesand Applications in Solution and on Surfaces; CRC Press, 2011, pp 1–33.

  • 2. Cui, J.; Hao, J. "Nanoengineered Polymer Capsules: From Fabrication to Applications." In Self-Assembled Structures: Propertiesand Applications in Solution and on Surfaces; CRC Press, 2011, pp 35–77.


  • 2016-2019 国家自然科学基金青年项目21603120

  • 2016-2021 xx计划启动基金

  • 2014-2016 Andrew Wise, Frank Caruso, Robert Shepherd, Lisa Gillespie and Jiwei Cui, Nanoengineered drug delivery to the inner ear to prevent progressive hearingloss, NHMRC Project Grants

  • 2012-2013 Jiwei Cui, Intelligentpolymer particles for bioapplications, Early Career Researcher Grant (The University of Melbourne)

  • 2011-2014 Jiwei Cui, Vaccine particles, ARC Super Science Fellow Grant


Journal Publications 2017    
  1. 1. Björnmalm, M.; Cui, J.; Bertleff-Zieschang, N.; Song, D.; Faria, M.; Rahim, M. A.; Caruso, F.* “Nanoengineering Particles through Template Assembly.” Chem. Mater. 2017, 29, 289. [link] (Cover article)

  2. 2. Gause, K. T.; Wheatley, A. K.; Cui, J.; Yan, Y.; Kent, S. J.; Caruso, F.* “Immunological Principles Guiding the Rational Design of Particles for Vaccine Delivery.” ACS Nano 2017, 11, 54. [link]

  3. 3. Braunger, J. A.; Björnmalm, M.; Isles, N. A.; Cui, J.; Henderson, T. M. A.; O'Connor, A. J.; Caruso, F.* "Interactions between circulating nanoengineered polymer particles and extracellular matrix components in vitro." Biomat. Sci. 2017, 5, 26. [link]

  4. 4. Suma, T.; Cui, J.; Müllner, M.; Fu, S.; Tran, J.; Noi, K. F.; Ju, Y.; Caruso, F.* "Modulated Fragmentation of Proapoptotic Peptide Nanoparticles Regulates Cytotoxicity." J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 4009. [link]

  5. 5. Xu, L.; Dong, S.; Hao*, J.; Cui, J.*; Hoffmann, H. "Surfactant-Modified Ultrafine Gold Nanoparticles with Magnetic Responsiveness for Reversible Convergence and Release of Biomacromolecules." Langmuir 2017, 33, 3047. [link]

  6. 6. Gao, Z.; Chen, M.; Hu, Y.; Dong, S.; Cui, J.*; Hao, J.* "Tunable Assembly and Disassembly of Responsive Supramolecular Polymer Brushes." Polym. Chem. 2017, DOI: 10.1039/C7PY00149E. [link]

  7. 7. Cui, J.* "Probing Bio-Nano Interactions with Templated Polymer Particles." Chem 2017, 2, 606. [link] (Cover article)

Journal Publications 2016

1. Cui, J.; Richardson, J. J.; Björnmalm, M.; Faria, M.; Caruso, F. “Nanoengineered Templated Polymer Particles: Navigating the Biological Realm.” Acc. Chem. Res. 2016, 49, 1139. [link]

2. Guo, J.; Tardy, B. L.; Christofferson, A. J.; Dai, Y.; Richardson, J. J.; Zhu, W.; Hu, M.; Ju, Y.; Cui, J.; Dagastine, R. R.; Yarovsky, I.; Caruso, F. “Modular Assembly of Superstructures from Polyphenol-Functionalized Building Blocks.” Nat. Nanotechnol. 2016, 11, 1105. [link] (Highlighted as Nat. Nanotechnol. News and Views)

3. De Koker, S.#; Cui, J.#; Vanparijs, N.#; Albertazzi, L.; Grooten, J.; Caruso, F.; De Geest, B. G. “Engineering Polymer Hydrogel Nanoparticles for Lymph Node-Targeted Vaccine Delivery.” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 1334. [link] (#Equal contribution)4. Tan, S.; Cui, J.; Fu, Q.; Nam, E.; Ladewig, K.; Ren, J. M.; Wong, E. H. H.; Caruso, F.; Blencowe, A.; Qiao, G. G. “Photo-Controlled Cargo Release from Dual Cross-Linked Polymer Particles.” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2016, 8, 6219. [link]5. Chen, X.; Yan, Y.; Müllner, M.; Ping, Y.; Cui, J.; Kempe, K.; Cortez-Jugo, C.; Caruso, F. “Shape-Dependent Activation of Cytokine Secretion by Polymer Capsules in Human Monocyte-Derived Macrophages.” Biomacromolecules 2016, 17, 1205. [link]6. Richardson, J. J.; Tardy, B. L.; Ejima, H.; Guo, J.; Cui, J.; Liang, K.; Choi, G. H.; Yoo, P. J.; De Geest, B. G.; Caruso, F. “Thermally Induced Charge Reversal of Layer-by-Layer Assembled Single-Component Polymer Films.” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2016, 8, 7449. [link]7. Cui, J.; Hibbs, B.; Gunawan, S. T.; Braunger, J. A.; Chen, X.; Richardson, J. J.; Hanssen, E.; Caruso, F. “Immobilized Particle Imaging for Quantification of Nano- and Microparticles.” Langmuir 2016, 32, 3532. [link]8. Chen, X.; Cui, J.; Sun, H.; Müllner, M.; Yan, Y.; Noi, K. F.; Ping, Y.; Caruso, F. “Analysing Intracellular Deformation of Polymer Capsules Using Structured Illumination Microscopy.” Nanoscale 2016, 8, 11924. [link]9. Ju, Y.; Cui, J.; Sun, H.; Müllner, M.; Dai, Y.; Guo, J.; Bertleff-Zieschang, N.; Suma, T.; Richardson, J. J.; Caruso, F. “Engineered Metal-Phenolic Capsules Show Tunable Targeted Delivery to Cancer Cells.” Biomacromolecules 2016, 17, 2268. [link]10. Hu, M.; Ju, Y.; Liang, K.; Suma, T.; Cui, J.; Caruso, F. “Void Engineering in Metal-Organic Frameworks via Synergistic Etching and Surface Functionalization.” Adv. Funct. Mater. 2016, 26, 5827. [link]11. Richardson, J. J.; Choy, M. Y.; Guo, J.; Liang, K.; Alt, K.; Ping, Y.; Cui, J.; Law, L. S.; Hagemeyer, C. E.; Caruso, F. “Polymer Capsules for Plaque-Targeted In Vivo Delivery.” Adv. Mater. 2016, 28, 7703. [link]12. Liang, K.; Richardson, J. J.; Cui, J.; Caruso, F.; Doonan, C. J.; Falcaro, P. “Metal–Organic Framework Coatings as Cytoprotective Exoskeletons for Living Cells.” Adv. Mater. 2016, 28, 7910. [link] (Cover article)13. Ju, Y.; Dai, Q.; Cui, J.; Dai, Y.; Suma, T.; Richardson, J. J.; Caruso, F. “Improving Targeting of Metal–Phenolic Capsules by the Presence of Protein Coronas.” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2016, 8, 22914. [link]14. Liu, B.; Lu, X.; Ruan, H.; Cui, J.; Li, H. "Synthesisand Applications of Glyconanoparticles." Curr. Org. Chem. Interfaces 2016, 20, 1502. [link]15. Chen, X.; Cui, J.; Ping, Y.; Suma, T.; Cavalieri, F.; Besford, Q. A.; Chen, G.; Braunger, J. A.; Caruso, F. “Probing Cell Internalisation Mechanics with Polymer Capsules.” Nanoscale 2016, 8, 17096. [link]16. Gause, K. T.; Yan, Y.; O'Brien-Simpson, N. M.; Cui, J.; Lenzo, J. C.; Reynolds, E. C.; Caruso, F.“Codelivery of NOD2 and TLR9 Ligands Via Nanoengineered Protein Antigen Particles for Improving and Tuning Immune Responses.” Adv. Funct. Mater. 2016, 26, 7526. [link]

17. Björnmalm, M.; Faria, M.; Chen, X.; Cui, J.; Caruso, F. “Dynamic Flow Impacts Cell–Particle Interactions: Sedimentation and Particle Shape Effects.” Langmuir 2016, 32, 10995. [link]

18. Cui, J.; Faria, M.; Björnmalm, M.; Ju, Y.; Suma, T.; Gunawan, S. T.; Richardson, J. J.; Heidari, H.; Bals, S.; Crampin, E. J.; Caruso, F. “A Framework to Account for Sedimentation and Diffusion in Particle–Cell Interactions.” Langmuir 2016, 32, 12394. [link]

19. Richardson, J. J.; Cui, J.; Björnmalm, M.; Braunger, J. A.; Ejima, H.; Caruso, F. "Innovation in Layer-by-Layer Assembly." Chem. Rev. 2016, 116, 14828. [link]

Journal Publications 20151. Liang, K.; Carbonell, C.; Styles, M. J.; Ricco, R.; Cui, J.; Richardson, J. J.; Maspoch, D.; Caruso, F.; Falcaro, P. “Biomimetic Replication of Microscopic Metal-Organic Framework Patterns Using Printed Protein Patterns.” Adv. Mater. 2015, 27, 7293. [link] (Cover article)    
  • 2. Dai, Q.; Yan, Y.; Guo, J.; Björnmalm, M.; Cui, J.; Sun, H.; Caruso, F. “Targeting Ability of Affibody-Functionalized Particles is Enhanced by Albumin but Inhibited by Serum Coronas.” ACS Macro Lett. 2015, 4, 1259. [link] (Cover article)

  • 3. Sun, H.; Björnmalm, M.; Cui, J.; Wong, E. H. H.; Dai, Y.; Dai, Q.; Qiao, G. G.; Caruso, F. “Structure Governs the Deformability of Polymer Particles in a Microfluidic Blood Capillary Model.” ACS Macro Lett. 2015, 4, 1205. [link]

  • 4. Guo, J.; Wang, X.; Henstridge, D. C.; Richardson, J. J.; Cui, J.; Sharma, A.; Febbraio, M. A.; Peter, K.; de Haan, J. B.; Hagemeyer, C. E.; Caruso, F. “Nanoporous Metal–Phenolic Particles as Ultrasound Imaging Probes for Hydrogen Peroxide.” Adv. Healthc. Mater. 2015, 4, 2170. [link]

  • 5. Gunawan, S. T.; Kempe, K.; Bonnard, T.; Cui, J.; Alt, K.; Law, L. S.; Wang, X.; Westein, E.; Such, G. K.; Peter, K.; Hagemeyer, C. E.; Caruso, F. “Multifunctional Thrombin-Activatable Polymer Capsules for Specific Targeting to Activated Platelets.” Adv. Mater. 2015, 27, 5153. [link]

  • 6. Björnmalm, M.; Roozmand, A.; Noi, K. F.; Guo, J.; Cui, J.; Richardson, J. J.; Caruso, F. “Flow-Based Assembly of Layer-by-Layer Capsules through Tangential Flow Filtration.” Langmuir 2015, 31, 9054. 5. [link]

  • 7. Guo, J.; Sun, H.; Alt, K.; Tardy, B. L.; Richardson, J. J.; Suma, T.; Ejima, H.; Cui, J.; Hagemeyer, C. E.;



  • Caruso, F.



  • “Boronate-Phenolic Network Capsules with Dual-Response to Acidic pH and cis-Diols.”



  • Adv. Healthc. Mater



  • .



  • 2015



  • ,



  • 4



  • , 1796.



  • [link]



  • 8. Cavalieri, F.; Beretta, G. L.; Cui, J.; Braunger, J. A.; Yan, Y.; Richardson, J. J.; Tinelli, S.; Folini, M.; Zaffaroni, N.;



  • Caruso, F.



  • “Redox-Sensitive PEG-Polypeptide Nanoporous Particles for Survivin Silencing in Prostate Cancer Cells.”



  • Biomacromolecules




  • 2015



  • ,



  • 16



  • , 2168.



  • [link]



  • 9. Yong, J. K. J.; Cui, J.; Cho, K. L.; Stevens, G. W.; Caruso, F.; Kentish, S. E. “Surface Engineering of Polypropylene Membranes with Carbonic Anhydrase-Loaded Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles for Improved Carbon Dioxide Hydration.” Langmuir 2015, 31, 6211. [link]

  • 10. Sun, H.; Wong, E. H. H.; Yan, Y.; Cui, J.; Dai, Q.; Guo, J.; Qiao, G. G.; Caruso, F. “The Role of Capsule Stiffness on Cellular Processing.” Chem. Sci. 2015, 6, 3505. [link]

  • 11. Gause, K. T.; Yan, Y.; Cui, J.; O’Brien-Simpson, N. M.; Lenzo, J. C.; Reynolds, E. C.; Caruso, F. “Physicochemical and Immunological Assessment of Engineered Pure Protein Particles with Different Redox States.” ACS Nano 2015, 9, 2433. [link]

  • 12. Ju, Y.; Cui, J.; Müllner, M.; Suma, T.; Hu, M.; Caruso, F. “Engineering Low-Fouling and pH-Degradable Capsules through the Assembly of Metal-Phenolic Networks.” Biomacromolecules 2015, 16, 807. [link]

  • 13. Cui, J.; De Rose, R.; Alt, K.; Alcantara, S.; Paterson, B. M.; Liang, K.; Hu, M.; Richardson, J. J.; Yan, Y.; Jeffery, C. M.; Price, R. I.; Peter, K.; Hagemeyer, C. E.; Donnelly, P. S.; Kent, S. J.; Caruso, F. “Engineering Poly(ethylene glycol) Particles for Improved Biodistribution.” ACS Nano 2015, 9, 1571. [link]

  • 14. Tan, S.; Nam, E.; Cui, J.; Xu, C.; Fu, Q.; Ren, J. M.; Wong, E. H. H.; Ladewig, K.; Caruso, F.; Blencowe, A.; Qiao, G. G. “Fabrication of Ultra-thin Polyrotaxane-Based Films via Solid-state Continuous Assembly of Polymers.” Chem. Commun. 2015, 51, 2025. [link] (Cover article)

  • 15. Suma, T.; Cui, J.; Müllner, M.; Ju, Y.; Guo, J.; Hu, M.; Caruso, F. “Generalizable Strategy for Engineering Protein Particles with pH-Triggered Disassembly and Recoverable Protein Functionality.” ACS Macro Lett. 2015, 4, 160. [link]



  • Journal Publications 2014



  • 1. Gunawan, S. T.; Kempe, K.; Such, G. K.; Cui, J.; Liang, K.; Richardson, J. J.; Johnston, A. P. R.;



  • Caruso, F.



  • “Tuning Particle Biodegradation through Polymer-Peptide Blend Composition.”



  • Biomacromolecules




  • 2014



  • ,



  • 15



  • , 4429.



  • [link]



  • 2. Cui, J.; Björnmalm, M.; Liang, K.; Xu, C. L.; Best, J. P.; Zhang, X.; Caruso, F. “Super-Soft Hydrogel Particles with Tunable Elasticity in a Microfluidic Blood Capillary Model.” Adv. Mater. 2014, 26, 7295. [link] (Cover article)

  • 3. Maina, J. W.; Cui, J.; Björnmalm, M.; Wise, A. K.; Shepherd, R. K.; Caruso, F. “Mold-Templated Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Supraparticles for Codelivery of Drugs.” Biomacromolecules 2014, 15, 4146. [link]

  • 4. Richardson, J. J.; Björnmalm, M.; Gunawan, S. T.; Guo, J.; Liang, K.; Tardy, B.; Sekiguchi, S.; Noi, K. F.; Cui, J.; Ejima, H.; Caruso, F. “Convective Polymer Assembly for the Deposition of Nanostructures and Polymer Thin Films on Immobilized Particles.” Nanoscale 2014, 6, 13416. [link]

  • 5. Gunawan, S. T.; Liang, K.; Such, G. K.; Johnston, A. P. R.; Leung, M. K. M.; Cui, J.; Caruso, F. “Engineering Enzyme-Cleavable Hybrid Click Capsules with a pH-Sheddable Coating for Intracellular Degradation.” Small 2014, 10, 4080. [link]

  • 6. Liang, K.; Gunawan, S. T.; Richardson, J. J.; Such, G. K.; Cui, J.; Caruso, F. “Endocytic Capsule Sensors for Probing Cellular Internalization.” Adv. Healthc. Mater. 2014, 3, 1551. [link]

  • 7. Mertz, D.; Affolter-Zbaraszczuk, C.; Barthès, J.; Cui, J.; Caruso, F.; Baumert, T.; Voegel, J-C.; Ogier, J.; Meyer, F. “Templated Assembly of Albumin-Based Nanoparticles for Simultaneous Gene Silencing and Magnetic Resonance Imaging.” Nanoscale 2014, 6, 11676. [link]

  • 8. Richardson, J. J.; Teng, D.; Björnmalm, M.; Gunawan, S.; Guo, J.; Cui, J.; Franks, G.; Caruso, F. “Fluidized Bed Layer-by-Layer Microcapsule Formation.” Langmuir 2014, 30, 10028. [link]

  • 9. Müllner, M.; Cui, J.; Noi, K. F.; Gunawan, S. T.; Caruso, F. “Surface-Initiated Polymerization within Mesoporous Silica Spheres for the Modular Design of Charge-Neutral Polymer Particles.” Langmuir 2014, 30, 6286. [link]

  • 10. Cui, J.; van Koeverden, M. P.; Müllner, M.; Kempe, K.; Caruso, F. “Emerging Methods for the Fabrication of Polymer Capsules.” Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 2014, 207, 14. [link] (Selected as one of the most cited articles published in Advances in Colloid and Interface Science since 2012)

  • 11. Liang, K.; Richardson, J. J.; Ejima, H.; Such, G. K.; Cui, J.; Caruso, F. “Peptide-Tunable Drug Cytotoxicity via One-Step Assembled Polymer Nanoparticles.” Adv. Mater. 2014, 26, 2398. [link]

  • 12. Liang, K.; Such, G. K.; Johnston, A. P. R.; Zhu, Z.; Ejima, H.; Richardson, J. J.; Cui, J.; Caruso, F. “Endocytic pH-Triggered Degradation of Nanoengineered Multilayer Capsules.” Adv. Mater. 2014, 26, 1901. [link] (Cover article)

  • 13. Cui, J.; Ju, Y.; Liang, K.; Ejima, H.; Lörcher, S.; Gause, K. T.; Richardson, J. J.; Caruso, F. "Nanoscale Engineering of Low-Fouling Surfaces through Polydopamine Immobilisation of Zwitterionic Peptides." Soft Matter 2014, 10, 2656. [link]

  • Journal Publications 2013

  • 1. Richardson, J. J.; Liang, K.; Kempe, K.; Ejima, H.; Cui, J.;



  • Caruso, F.



  • "Immersive Polymer Assembly on Immobilized Particles for Automated Capsule Preparation."



  • Adv. Mater



  • .



  • 2013



  • ,



  • 25



  • , 6874.



  • [link]



  • 2. Best, J. P.; Cui, J.; Müllner, M.;



  • Caruso, F.



  • “Tuning the Mechanical Properties of Nanoporous Hydrogel Particles via Polymer Cross-Linking.”



  • Langmuir




  • 2013



  • ,



  • 29



  • , 9824.



  • [link]



  • 3. Ejima, H.; Richardson, J. J.; Liang, K.; Best, J. P.; van Koeverden, M. P.; Such, G. K.; Cui, J.;



  • Caruso, F.



  • “One-Step Assembly of Coordination Complexes for Versatile Film and Particle Engineering.”



  • Science




  • 2013



  • ,



  • 341



  • , 154.



  • [link]



  • 4. Yan, Y.; Lai, Z. W.; Goode, R. J. A.; Cui, J.; Bacic, T.; Kamphuis, M. M. J.; Nice, E. C.;



  • Caruso, F.



  • “Particles on the Move: Intracellular Trafficking and Asymmetric Mitotic Partitioning of Nanoporous Polymer Particles.”



  • ACS Nano




  • 2013



  • ,



  • 7



  • , 5558.



  • [link]



  • 5. Cui, J.; De Rose, R.; Best, J. P.; Johnston, A. P. R.; Alcantara, S.; Liang, K.; Such, G. K.; Kent, S. J.;



  • Caruso, F.



  • “Mechanically Tunable, Self-Adjuvanting Nanoengineered Polypeptide Particles.”



  • Adv. Mater.




  • 2013



  • ,



  • 25



  • , 3468.



  • [link]



  • 6. Richardson, J. J.; Ejima, H.; Lörcher, S. L.; Liang, K.; Senn, P.; Cui, J.;



  • Caruso, F.



  • “Preparation of Nano- and Microcapsules by Electrophoretic Polymer Assembly.”



  • Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.




  • 2013



  • ,



  • 52



  • , 6455.



  • [link]







  • Journal Publications 2012



  • 1. Liang, K.; Such, G. K.; Zhu, Z. Y.; Dodds, S. J.; Johnston, A. P. R.; Cui, J.; Ejima, H.;



  • Caruso, F.



  • "Engineering Cellular Degradation of Multilayered Capsules through Controlled Cross-Linking."



  • ACS Nano




  • 2012



  • ,



  • 6



  • , 10186.



  • [link]




  • 2. Cui, J.; Yan, Y.; Wang, Y.; Caruso, F. "Templated Assembly of pH-Labile Polymer-Drug Particles for Intracellular Drug Delivery." Adv. Funct. Mater. 2012, 22, 4718. [link] (Cover article)

  • 3. Mertz, D.; Cui, J.; Yan, Y.; Devlin, G.; Chaubaroux, C.; Dochter, A.; Alles, R.; Lavalle, P.; Voegel, J. C.; Blencowe, A.; Auffinger, P.; Caruso, F. "Protein Capsules Assembled via Isobutyramide Grafts: Sequential Growth, Biofunctionalization, and Cellular Uptake." ACS Nano 2012, 6, 7584. [link]

  • 4. Mertz, D.; Wu, H. X.; Wong, J.; Cui, J.; Tan, P.; Alles, R.; Caruso, F. "Ultrathin, Bioresponsive and Drug-Functionalized Protein Capsules." J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22, 21434. [link]

  • 5. Cui, J.; Yan, Y.; Such, G. K.; Liang, K.; Ochs, C. J.; Postma, A.; Caruso, F. "Immobilization and Intracellular Delivery of an Anticancer Drug Using Mussel-Inspired Polydopamine Capsules." Biomacromolecules 2012, 13, 2225. [link]

  • Journal Publications before 2011



  • 1. Ochs, C. J.; Hong, T.; Such, G. K.; Cui, J.; Postma, A.;



  • Caruso, F.



  • "Dopamine-Mediated Continuous Assembly of Biodegradable Capsules."



  • Chem. Mater.




  • 2011



  • ,



  • 23



  • , 3141.



  • [link]



  • 2.



  • Ma, H.; Cui, J.; Song, A.; Hao, J. "Fabrication of Freestanding Honeycomb Films with Through-Pore Structures via Air/Water Interfacial Self-Assembly." Chem. Commun. 2011, 47, 1154. [link]



  • 3. Ma, H.; Cui, J.; Chen, J.; Hao, J."Self-Organized Polymer Nanocomposite Inverse Opal Films with Combined Optical Properties." Chem. Eur. J. 2011, 17, 655. [link]

    4. Liu, C.; Cui, J.; Song, A.; Hao, J. "A Bile Acid-Induced Aggregation Transition and Rheological Properties in Its Mixtures with Alkyltrimethylammonium Hydroxide." Soft Matter 2011, 7, 8952. [link]

    5. Wang, Y.; Yan, Y.; Cui, J.; Hosta-Rigau, L.; Heath, J. K.; Nice, E. C.;



  • Caruso. F.



  • "Encapsulation of Water-Insoluble Drugs in Polymer Capsules Prepared Using Mesoporous Silica Templates for Intracellular Drug Delivery."



  • Adv. Mater.




  • 2010



  • ,



  • 22



  • , 4293.



  • [link]



  • 6. Cui, J.; Wang, Y.; Postma, A.; Hao, J.; Hosta-Rigau, L.;



  • Caruso, F.



  • "Monodisperse Polymer Capsules: Tailoring Size, Shell Thickness, and Hydrophobic Cargo Loading via Emulsion Templating."



  • Adv. Funct. Mater.




  • 2010



  • ,



  • 20



  • , 1625.



  • [link]



  • 7. Cui, J.; Fan, D.; Hao, J. "Magnetic {Mo72Fe30}-Embedded Hybrid Nanocapsules." J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2009, 330, 488. [link]

    8. Cui, J.; Wang, Y.; Hao, J.; Caruso, F."Mesoporous Silica-Templated Assembly of Luminescent Polyester Particles." Chem. Mater. 2009, 21, 4310. [link]

    9. Cui, J.; Liu, Y.; Hao, J. "Multiwalled Carbon-Nanotube-Embedded Microcapsules and Their Electrochemical Behavior."J. Phys.Chem. C 2009, 113, 3967. [link]

    10. Cui, J.; Zhang, R.; Lin, Z.; Li, L.; Jin, W."The Effect of Temperature and Solvent on The Morphology of Microcapsules Doped with a Europium β-Diketonate Complex." Dalton Trans. 2008, 895. [link]

    11. Zhang, R.; Cui, J.; Lu, D.; Hou, W. "Study on High-Efficiency Fluorescent Microcapsules Doped with Europium β-Diketone Complex by LbL Self-Assembly." Chem. Commun. 2007, 1547. [link]









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Students and postdocs strongly interested in scientific research, especially in polymer science and/or biology background, are welcome to join the group.


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